Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011!

2011 is quickly flying out the door. Within a few short hours we will be celebrating the beginning of a new year. Well most likely I will be sound asleep when the new year rings in; however you can't properly say hello to the new year without saying goodbye to the old one. So here is a tribute to 2011.
The past month has been a blur. With 4 people living under 1 roof life's been crazy busy as we have all adjusted to living together. We celebrated Christmas with Steve's family visiting for a quick minute. We had a splendid time. I worked and it dawned on me that I had spent the past 4 Christmas's in segregation. Baf had her first Christmas with us. I got a beautiful and meaningful present from my hubby that I absolutely loved. And we enjoyed some great cooking from his mama. Yesterday I found out I had ringworm. Go me! Enjoy the couple of Christmas pics...but seriously enough about the past month...
This past year can be classified in one single world..."change". This year has been a roller-coaster of changes. It has been exhausting. I started the year off right, on track with getting my life healthy...thinking that I was doing the right thing by preparing to give up my life in Missouri and trek across the good ole' country and starting life over near my family. I left Missouri burned out, heartbroken and desperately needing a new start. I needed to get away from some stress. Little did I know that God would find humor in my plan and reroute it causing me to go full circle...during that 6 month sabbatical in the desert of the nation's capital I lost, reconnected and fell in love with my best friend and found myself driving back across the good ole' U.S. of A. returning to my nursing job at MCC but this time with a ring on my finger with the best road trip partner ever planning our future. I got hitched to my most favorite person in the entire world on a beautiful October day (in which I still say I won the bet...just sayin') and have been in marital bliss for just over 2 months now. Sure we have had our bumps in the road as we have merged our life's as one, but it's been worth it.
As 2011 was the year of change, I am praying and 2012 will be the year of panning out the bumps in the road. I pray that we will be able to figure out Steve's health problems; that finances will calm down and we will be able to pay off debt and grow a savings account; get back on track with striving for a healthy lifestyle; reconnect with my family; continue to fall madly in love with my husband and maybe just maybe start preparing for a growing family; but most importantly that I will make God first in my life and in my marriage. That's my goal for 2012.

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