Monday, November 16, 2009

Finally Gave In

Well I finally gave in and registered for classes. All I need for then LPN to RN bridge program is 3 math classes (fund of algebra, intermediate algebra, and college algebra) and the 3 credit hour Human Lifespan. I took Human Lifespan 1 credit hour in LPN school but the RN program requires the 3 credit hour one. Many people have said they are exactly the same, just more time to be boring, in which I also heard that fund and intermediate of algebra is very boring and doesnt get intense until you get to the college algebra one. The register lady asked me why I took so long to come back and finish. So I only have classes on M-W-F from 10:00-10:55 then 12:00-12:55...I still get to sleep in and only have 2 hours 2 times a week...a breeze!

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