Friday, January 1, 2010


Well as tradition goes, today is a new year, and that means time to reflect on how 2009 turned out and the hope of what 2010 will bring. Looking back into 2009 it was a year of difficult financial times yet of conquering goals, mainly graduating from Bible college! Around graduation time I found myself itching for something new, so I moved to St Louis, only to get into financial troubles and be extremely unhappy, so after being slapped in the face with a sign by God that came in an email and a MACC parking sticker I moved back to Moberly with a look of much promise. The past 5 months of being back in Moberly I have climbed out of a financial crunch, got Cady, furthered my nursing career at MCC and reformed both old and new friendships. With this I am happily marching into 2010 with much hope...

A year from today I hope to say that I have grown much deeper in my relationship with Christ, that I have gotten involved in church more, tithing more, become a healthier person and have lost at least 33 lbs (more is better!), finished my last 4 pre-reqs for the RN program, payoff the credit card and decrease the student loan bills, increase my savings account, and to conquer whatever is placed before me. If I can meet these goals, then hopefully I can that 2010 was a far better year then 2009!

Happy New Year, may it be the best year of my life!

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