Saturday, May 1, 2010


well tomorrow is May, with that said let me just say i hate the last day of the month and first day of a month. getting all of the MARs ready for 1800 men is stressful. with that said it's May, and i have 2 weeks left of classes. and then i get to sleep in and not have this stinking 18+ hour days 3 times a week. also Roxie graduates this month, and i am not ready to see her leave. but at the same time i am turning 23 this month.

Lala left this week, and it looks like she is gonna move up here and be our live in nanny. she is suppose to move in the weekend before my birthday. i think she will move, but at the same time i am not ready to rearrange the house until i know for 100% that she is coming.

tomorrow with being a new month, i am going to push the weight loss again. i have continually lost since moving, but i havent worked out as much as i should, mainly because of classes and what not. so tomorrow its back on it.

anyways i am off to bed...i think its funny that i even write on here, cuz i am sure no one reads it. oh well.

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