Wednesday, May 26, 2010


well its been 2 weeks, and i only lost 0.2 lbs this past week. sure with my birthday and the business of people moving in, i should be happy that i kept off the 1.2 lbs from the week before. but in 2 weeks only 1.4 lbs, come on thats just disappointing to me. especially since it seems like i am the one pushing for Steve and Kaytee to go, and they of course loose a few pounds a week. all i want to say is FML! but i wont...because today i started the Technogym wellness program. today was day one of my personalized program that the personal trainer set up for me. and although i was only on the treadmill, let me tell you that the treadmill can kick your butt with that massive incline button. 636 calories on a treadmill is rediculous in 1 hour! so we shall see now if this 12 week program will help me or not.

1 comment:

Stephen Jones said...

Hey! You haven't had to drag me out of bed this week! :P I do thank you, though, for always encouraging me to go. :) I think this program will give you results. Don't be discouraged. :(