Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

After my stress test on Friday I have been struggling with being disappointed in myself in not being able to run for 6 minutes, for indulging in unhealthy foods (ok I didn't go completely overboard but not the best either), and definitely haven't exercised. Yesterday as a distraction from my mind of being myself up over the stress test I finished reading the book "Heaven Is For Real" by Todd Burpo. I came away from it thinking "ask and it will be given to you". God knows the desires of my heart. He knows how I want a husband, a healthy body, a job, etc... After finished it I just knew that if this job was God's will then He will allow me to pass the medical portion of the employment process. Tomorrow (Monday) I go in for the doctor's appointment to get the results of the medical physical.

This morning I woke up excited. For today, 2000 years ago, the grave was empty, He had risen. Today we celebrate the greatest day in the history of man. I woke up with 1 Corinthians 15:54b-55 on my heart...

"Death has been swallowed up in victory.
Where, O death, is your victor?
Where, O death, is your sting?"

As the worship service got started this morning, they had this verse on the screen, and then a few songs centered around it. I just love when God gives a verse in my heart and I have affirmation throughout the day. Today I have been focused on asking God for the desires of my heart. I am not demanding God give me this job, I am asking that His will be done. He know that my savings account is dwindling, and that this job is right up my ally for pay, and it's a jail so in my field. He knows all this. And I know that my God is greater then 20 seconds less then completing my stress test. I am believing in Him to provide for me in His Will.

I have been trying to finishing reading the book "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst. It's a fabulous book about us as creatures being created to crave after God instead of food or other physical cravings. I highly recommend it for anyone struggling with weight loss. Since I moved I got off track with my weight loss. Lost my passion due to all the temptations and the food cravings. I am learning to turn my cravings for oreos to craving for God. It's a struggle, but through this book I am learning it's possible to make my weight loss to be God centered instead of weight centered. To not focus on the scale but to focus on making my temple clean and healthy that God gave me.

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