Monday, April 11, 2011


I have 7 weeks under my belt of being an East Coast city girl again. Last week I got to the point of missing having friends, missing having someone to text and talk to and share the little details of my life to. I began entertaining the idea of posting an ad on craigslist stating "needed new best friend". Don't worry I didn't do it! Believe me I saw the movie Craigslist Killer, I worked in a prison for 3 years, I am not that stupid. It just got me thinking though about how I miss feeling connected to others, and not just on Facebook. Anyways I went to church Sunday morning and what did the pastor preach on? Yah you got it right, loneliness! It seems like every Sunday the sermon relates to just me. It's pretty powerful. He preached on the part that God is always with us, never leaving us alone, It came straight from the Great Commission..."lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20b. I have never heard one sermon that broke the Great Commission up like that, but all I can tell you is that's what I needed. I needed a reminder, that even though I know no one outside of my family and I spend all week applying for jobs, and my savings count is depleting, that yes despite it all, He is always with me, and He will take care of me even to the end of the age. What a beautiful promise that is.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Ashley, I've been feeling the loneliness too. I understand what you mean about not feeling connected anymore. It IS so hard!!!