Saturday, August 13, 2011

90 days oh my!

It's a quite night at work. I guess everyone is holding it in until tonight when Tim McGraw performs at the Jiffy Lube. Country singers always tends to bring out the rednecks from the area who like to get a little too intoxicated and want to spend a night with me at the po-po. So I figured that with my little bit of down time I would update you all...

Can you believe that tomorrow it will be 3 months exactly since Steve and I faced reality. The reality that there was something there more then just our friendship, and that I quite frankly didn't want to spend the rest of my life living half a country away from him. So I agreed to court him. 3 months of falling in love with my best friend. Oh what a ride the past 90 days has been. Its had its good times and bad, but let me tell you I wouldn't change it for a moment. The biggest thing that has happened this past month is that he told me he loved me. It's a beautiful thing hearing those 3 little words that carry such an impact.

I rarely thing of my past up, but last night I was talking with a dear friend, and she was asking me if and how I knew that Steve was the one. I began to compare him to my past relationship, and the list of differences were shocking. Maybe because he is an all American made country boy... It made me think though that how different my life would have been if I would have given in and settled. And yes I really do believe that Steve is "the one".

A coworker asked me tonight when I was getting married. I told her hopefully after he gets done with school. FYI that's in 8ish months... Somedays I think that's forever away. Somedays I remind myself that we aren't engaged yet. Somedays, correction most days I can't help but wishing we had our own place again. I miss the days of us having our condo, our own space, with Ms Cady Mae. I miss having a clean place. I miss grocery shopping for us. I miss having my own stuff on the walls with curtains. I miss my old life. A big part me me wishes that I never moved to NOVA. That I was still in Moberly, working at CMS, having a workout buddy, having friends, and fabulous Mexican food, and oh my the country, where it only took 5 minutes to get to any part of town, and the train, and being able to go anywhere in town and see a familiar face. I miss it. But then I remember, that if I would have never moved here, never got my life back on track with God, then I would have never been away from Steve and we would have never dated. So I guess if it meant giving up my old life to regain my relationship with God and fall in love with my best friend, then moving halfway across country has been worth it.

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