Sunday, July 10, 2011

Date-Date Day

So I can finally say that I can cross off the "go on a date" off my New Years Resolution list! Is it sad to say that I have never actually been on a date, and I am umm 24 years old, and I have been dating a guy for 4 days shy of 2 months! Yep I am quite pathetic to say the least. But since this was such a wonderful day, I feel the need to tell you all about it. So, you ready?

Okay, on Friday Steve and I went to Bethesda and had lunch with Caitlin. Steve has been wanting to see DC forever, so we were on the way down there, and of course it started down pouring. So we ended up showing him the city via the car instead of actually seeing it. At one point we were driving and I randomly mention how I have always wanted to see the Holocaust Museum. Fast forward to the end of the day, we come home, have an intense 2 hour convo on our spiritual life, then call it a day.

Saturday morning I woke up to some texts saying "are you awake yet?"..."go get ready"..."now". So I got ready, as of course Steve is refusing to tell me what we are doing, and he ends up taking me to Crackle Barrel, one of our favorite places. Then he tells me we are going on a date, our first "real" date mind you. But not just a date, but a date-date day. And our first date-date was to DC, but oh no not DC, but specifically the Holocaust Museum...just because I mentioned the day before how I have always wanted to do so.

To make a long story short, we ended up taking the metro in, did a lot of walking, saw the monuments, White House, Arlington National Cemetery and of course the National Holocaust Museum. It was beautiful sunny day, a little hot out, and fabulous company. It was a much needed day just for the two of us to get out of town, and spend time together without anyone with us. It reminded me of when we went to Chicago, or heck even STL, where it was just the two of us enjoying each others company. I think I loved it even more because Steve took the initiative to plan a day, by making it a surprise, and allowed me to spend the entire day with him away from our daily stressed with absolutely no distraction. I must say it was the perfect first date-date day and I can't wait for the next one to happen.

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